Travel with me to Nova Scotia, Canada where I will be studying Mammals and Climate Change.

Please be sure to leave comments on my posts. Enjoy! :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Here I Come to Save the Day (Earth)!

On Friday we caught a mouse in one of our traps! We named him Mighty after the Mighty Mouse cartoon (hence the theme song title). It was very obvious he was different to the voles we caught because of his big ears and longer tail. I think the voles are cuter.

In the afternoon on Friday we got to visit a local organic farm who specializes in Organic meat products and Organic trees including Christmas trees! It was very interesting to hear how the managed the forest and the land without having devastating effects on the environment (hence the earth in the title). We took a horse pulled hayride through the forest. The same horses are used to pull harvested logs out of the forest when they are logging. They do not clear cut the forest but instead choose individual trees to cut down based on size and age thus leaving a lot of the forest intact and providing a sustainable source of wood. Little farms like that may actually be what we need to 'Save the Earth' and of course we need educated consumers to buy their products.

Today we had a research free day and went into Halifax the capital. We had lunch at a restaurant called the Wooden Monkey which only had Organic and locally sourced food. It was delicious and you could feel good that we were supporting local farmers and eating food which had less of an impact on the environment. After lunch we toured the city and went to the Citadel (a fort) and the Maritime Museum. There were some tragic but interesting stories to read about at the museum like the ships that went out to recover the bodies from the Titanic and the Great Halifax Explosion.

It was nice having the day off but I think I miss the woods! Tomorrow we're off to the Kejimkujik National Park to see the old growth Hemlock forest! :)

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'm going to try this again. Blogs are not easy when you're not used to them. I commented already,but somehow, I don't think it went through.
    Glad you had a nice day off. Interesting how we talked about you eating organic food anyway due to your stomach problems. Sounds like you had a nice time. Sorry we missed you skyping. Bad timing, I guess. Maybe we can try during the week? Let me know what night would be best for you.

